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Monday 30 May 2011

Sending Large Files by Email

Just as your deadline is looming and that report/artwork needs to get sent NOW, you realise the file is too big for your ISP/hosting deal. Help! Luckily there are several easy options to get this sorted for you.

Generally, any file over 15MB in size is likely to cause a problem in the email process, whether it be at your end (ISP traffic limits) or at your client's (blocking their email/unable to receive). There's nothing worse than a hysterical recipient blaming you for an email breakdown.

Well, all of this can be avoided. Before you decide to send, check the size of the file. If it's over 15MB (and you can't reduce its size) then don't use your regular email.

Instead, logon to a free online file-sharing site. There are many of these and more appearing all the time. Here are but a few:


What these services do is allow you to upload your file to their high-capacity servers and then they will send a download link to your client/recipient for them to download the large file at their leisure.

Most of these will let you upload a file of up to 100MB for free (just register your details) or over by purchasing an upload account.

Depending on your broadband bandwith, these uploads can take some time so it's a good idea to leave yourself plenty of time (at least an hour), especially when your file is 50MB+.
Nevertheless, these sites offer an invaluable free service that is entirely reliable.